Our science table
Children are bringing in objects from home to add to the table as well. Next week we will add fish and get the aquarium going so that children can learn how to care for fish. Children have been learning about different kinds of seeds and how they germinate. Extra experiments have also been added to the table - seeds on wet cotton wool, seeds placed on side of jar so that we can see them germinating, and a selection of planted seeds on each group table. Children are recording how long it takes each seed to germinate and turning that information into a graph. They are also measuring seeds and plants as they grow. Initially, children's drawings of seeds were very basic, but after viewing 'Austin's Butterfly', children drew the different seeds and added plenty of detail. They have also written a description of each seed. One boy explained his learning as "I can see like a scientist now" which means that he is taking a more in-depth look at objects around him and linking them to science.
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